Birthline is a Christian, nonprofit Pregnancy Resource Center founded in 1979, currently housed in the House of Neighborly Services building in Loveland, Colorado. Birthline’s heart and principles are the same today as when founded, and are expressed in its current Vision, Mission, and Values here:
Because we have been loved perfectly as children by God the Father through Jesus the Son, Birthline of Loveland Pregnancy Resource Center has:
The VISION of a community where mothers and couples of unintended pregnancies are themselves loved, cared for, and supported, so that they will choose to bring their babies to term, and all might thrive in their new life together;
The MISSION of offering real support to expecting mothers and couples from the time of their baby’s conception and throughout the young parental years, so as to safeguard the lives of born and unborn children and to open doors to gospel conversations;
The emphasized Christian VALUES of non-judgmental compassion, unwavering forthrightness, and covenantal commitment to those whom we are blessed and fortunate enough to serve.